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Spring Litter Bugs Me - Registration Now!

  • Environmental Action Committee of West Marin (EAC) Mailing Address: PO Box 609 | Physical Address 65 Third Street Suite 12 Point Reyes Station, CA 94956 USA (map)

Photo Credit: Emmanuel & Tuesday Irregulars

Litter Bugs Me is a volunteer event that aims to clean up our West Marin roadsides ahead of the County mowing season. Trash accumulates on our roadsides throughout the year, moves through the watershed by wind and rain runoff, and causes harm to wildlife, especially as it degrades into small pieces. Litter Bugs Me helps to protect our watershed, wildlife, and aquatic and marine life by removing trash from roadsides and preventing it from finding its way into our creeks and eventually into the ocean. Want to get involved? Please join us to make a REAL difference!

Individuals can register to join EAC's clean-up team here. Individuals are welcome to lead a group. Two date options are: 

Friday March 21, or Saturday March 22 between 9:30 AM and 4:30 PM Either Day