Point Reyes Birding & Nature Fesitval April 25th-27th | Click here for details

Get Involved! Take Civic Action

We all need to act to stop the worst effects of the climate crisis. We recommend that you start, in your local community.

To fix a broken system, we have to elect people who want to change it, ensure that our public agencies are meeting the expectations of their communities, and that our communities are working together towards equitable solutions to the crisis before all of us. This is especially important for local, regional, and state elections and policy decisions.

importance of community engagement

  • Meaningful community engagement is important to any climate policy, not only because communities deserve to have their perspectives incorporated into policies that will affect their futures, but also because it actually makes policies and programs more effective and sustainable over the long-term. [2]

  • Public agencies and officials that actively engage their communities in climate policy making will tap into the wide range of experiences and perspectives that will help explain exactly where and how policies may succeed or fail and prioritize community values. [2]

ways to engage

  • Find Your People & Your Network
    Research local neighborhood organizations advocating for your climate goals. You will find like-minded folks who can help with community education and organizing.

  • Vote
    To fix a broken system, we have to elect people who want to change it. This is especially important for local, regional, and state elections.

  • Participate in Public Processes
    Advocate to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in your local community. Attending public meetings in your city and county really can make a difference.

  • Speak Up
    If you are not seeing climate action as a priority, contact your local officials to talk about climate priorities and you can help to advance climate solutions.


  1. Climate X Change, Dear Policymakers: Community Engagement is Critical for Climate Policyhttps://climate-xchange.org/2021/10/08/dear-policymakers-community-engagement-is-critical-for-climate-policy