Point Reyes Birding & Nature Fesitval April 25th-27th | Click here for details

In partnership with our community we have compiled information and resources to benefit both our residential and visiting community to be good stewards of our natural landscapes, coastal and marine environments, and support our vibrant coastal villages and indigenous communities cultures and traditions.

Plan like a pro and know before you go! Make sure your visit is a success!

Find resources and information on being a good steward of Coastal



Take the Pledge!

What to do + Where to Report!
Information on hazardous waste

(toxic chemicals, human waste, and industrial accidents)

What to do with your trash + how to minimize your waste

Community and industry development information.

Permits from the County of Marin, California Coastal Commission, Department of Fish and Wildlife, Regional Water Board, and others.

Hunting, fishing, and foraging…
Where to go?

What to bring?

What’s allowed?

Current public health notices or closures?

Report poaching

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Please use our issue reporting form to help us keep this community resource up to date. You will need to submit your contact information so we can follow up with you if we have questions. Thank you for your help to keep this resource up to date for our community!

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