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Tell the Fish & Game Commission What Tomales Bay Means to You!

On March 24th, the California Fish and Game’s Marine Resources Committee (MRC) will be discussing aquaculture leasing in California. 

Prior to a new aquaculture lease being granted, the Commission must consider whether this benefits the general public. For several years, EAC has been asking the Commission to wait to grant any new leases until they are clear about what exactly is in the best interest of the general public.

If you are a member of the public who enjoys Tomales Bay, we need you to send in a note about how you enjoy Tomales Bay (example: fishing, boating, birding, wildlife watching, clamming, kayaking, the protection of environmentally sensitive habitat areas, etc.). 

Your letter will be a great help to the Commission as they draft out the general public benefits and balance the benefits and harms that a new aquaculture farm may present. 

Can you send an email to the Commission by Monday, March 21st at 12pm.? Send your email to fgc@fgc.ca.gov. Comments submitted by noon on 3/21 will be provided to the Commissioners the day of the meeting. Thank you to our members and constituents that already sent in comments! 

If you are unable to send a letter, you can also sign up to speak at the Committee meeting on March 24th beginning at 8AM. If you want to speak, email Ashley (ashley@eacmarin.org), and she will send you information about how to participate. Also, see information below. 

Thank you for your help with this! Your comments mean a lot and will really help to shape the criteria the Commission will consider.