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Adaptive Management for Local MPA Petitions

Following up on our involvement in the first decadal management review for California’s network of 124 marine protected areas (MPAs), we prepared and submitted two petitions in November to the California Fish and Game Commission (Commission) to request changes in MPA regulations at two locations in Marin County: Drakes Estero and Duxbury Reef. Initially, we submitted comments in March of 2023 and subsequent comments, requesting the Commission review changes to the current regulations based on changed circumstances and to ensure MPA resilience and adaptive management. We followed up with formal petitions in November, including submitting extensive agency, partner, and local support, as well as other relevant information. 

Drakes Estero 

We requested that Drakes Estero change from a State Marine Conservation Area (SMCA), in which limited take (clamming is permitted), to a State Marine Reserve, where no take is permitted, to be consistent with the designation of the connected Estero de Limantour and with Drakes Estero’s designation as a Marine Wilderness. 

Duxbury Reef 

We also requested three changes at Duxbury Reef: 

1) Change the designation from SMCA to State Marine Reserve to more effectively protect imperiled reef species which are vulnerable to disturbance and take; 

2) Extend the MPA south to encompass the entire reef; and 

3) Extend the MPA north to include the contiguous habitat to Double Point/Stormy Stack special closure. 

Both areas to the south and north of the current Duxbury Reef SMCA support sensitive rocky intertidal habitat and marine species, as well as marine mammal haul-out and pupping sites.

Decadal Management Review

As part of the adaptive management strategy of the MPA network, the first Decadal Management Review (DMR) of California’s MPAs was released in January of 2023, which evaluated the 10-year progress of the MPA network and management in meeting the goals of the Marine Life Protection Act. The year-long review process, led by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (Department), included contributions by a large number of stakeholder individuals and groups statewide, including EAC. The comprehensive report was submitted to the Commission which directed the Department and its partners to pursue recommendations and identify next steps from the review process, including a process to submit petitions for regulatory changes to the network. Thus, we took the opportunity to evaluate our local MPAs for needed changes and submit formal petitions. We have also advocated generally for the MPA network and its value in climate resilience. 

Next Steps and How You can Help 
Our petitions were accepted as complete at the December 14th Commission meeting, where a partner spoke on behalf of EAC. We will coordinate with Department and Commission staff on any follow up they may have regarding the petitions, as well as participating in the public process.  The next Commission meeting is scheduled for February 14-15, 2024. There will be an opportunity to voice support for the petitions at that meeting and with prior written comments. There is also an opportunity to submit any supplemental materials. Email Leslie for more information or to get involved. 

Learn More:

Read our Petitions (see Petition #31 MPA, A20, p. 574 of meeting docs for Drakes Estero and #32 MPA, A21, p. 616 for Duxbury Reef) 

California Fish and Game Commission 2024 meetings and agendas

California Fish and Game Commission

Decadal Management Review

Marine Life Protection Act
