Point Reyes Birding & Nature Fesitval April 25th-27th | Click here for details

Public Notice:

Point Reyes National Seashore, Samuel P. Taylor, and multiple Marin County Parks and Open Space areas in West Marin are may remain closed to all visitation due to the Woodward Fire and poor air quality. Please check local listings before visiting West Marin trails and beaches.

We encourage community members to sign up for Alert Marin Emergency Notification System (land line, cell and email) for important updates and to have an evacuation plan in order.

Stay Updated on the Woodward Fire:
Marin County Fire Department
Point Reyes National Seashore

Thank you to the local, national, and international fire fighting ground and air support crews working on this fire.
Thank you to community at-large for rallying together during this difficult time.

EAC’s office remains closed in Point Reyes Station due to COVID-19 and our team members continue to work remotely.

Please remember, we are still in the middle of a pandemic. Maintain six feet of social distance, wash your hands, and wear your mask. Many blessing to you and yours.

Photo Credit: Alli Smith, overlooking Stinson Beach and Bolinas August 19, 2020