Point Reyes Birding & Nature Fesitval April 25th-27th | Click here for details

EAC’s Environmental Awards

The Environmental Action Committee honors individuals/groups each year with annual environmental awards at our Annual Member Meeting, Potluck & Awards. The categories are below followed by awardees for each category.

Peter Behr Steward of the Land & Sea
Individuals within our community who dedicate their time to safeguard the unique lands, waters, and biodiversity of coastal Marin through advocacy, education, research, and community engagement.

Public Service Awards
Public servants who demonstrate leadership to protect the lands, waters, and biodiversity of coastal Marin County through community outreach, education, or scientific study.

Next Generation Advocacy Award

The next generation of environmental advocates working for positive change with creativity, leadership, and dedication.

Volunteers of the Year Awards
Volunteers who help deliver key programs to protect the environment in West Marin.

Peter Behr Steward of the Land & Sea Award

The Peter Behr Steward of the Land Award is named after former California State Senator,
Marin County Supervisor, Mill Valley councilman, lawyer, and visionary leader,
Peter H. Behr (May 24, 1915, New York City, New York – March 10, 1997, Greenbrae, California).
During his lifetime, Peter helped create the Point Reyes National Seashore and inspired generations of
legislators to protect the environment. This award recognizes individuals within our community who have
dedicated their time to safeguard the unique lands, waters, and biodiversity of coastal Marin
through advocacy, education, research, and community engagement.

Awardees 1987 - Present

1987 | Peter H. Behr (May 24, 1915 - March 10, 1997), former California State Senator & Instrumental Advocate for Point Reyes National Seashore.

1987 | Richard Plant, former chair of the Tomales Bay Advisory Committee and current board member of the Tomales Bay Watershed Council Foundation.

1987 | Gary Giacomini (April 4, 1939 – December 2, 2016), former Marin County Supervisor for his commitment to the Marin County's environment.

1988 | Donna Sheehan (1930-2015), artist and activist who was instrumental to the MOW! movement in West Marin, a local grass-roots anti-toxics movement providing education and advocacy for the area n the 1980s. 

1989 | Marin Agricultural Land Trust

1990 | Robert "Inverness Bob" Coolidge

1991 | Richard Charter, coordinated local government support that helped to bring about the creation of the Gulf of the Farallones, Cordell Bank, Channel Islands, and Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuaries, and is now the director of the Ocean Foundation.

1992 | Save Tomales Bay Committee (now the Tomales Bay Watershed Council), opposed increased freshwater diversions from Tomales Bay and to take actions to protect the coho salmon of Lagunitas Creek. This group was active before the State Water Resources Control Board in 1982 and 1995 and won significant protections, including increased stream-flows for fish life and other biological resources within the watershed.

1993 | Waste Watch, for their advocacy in partnership with EAC to oppose the West Marin dump.

1994 | Joe & Kathy Tresch, for their environmentally friendly approach to farming.

1995 | Kay Holbrook (d. 2003), pioneer conservationist and environmental activist who played a vital role in prohibiting the privatization of California’s beachfronts, and encouraging open space.

1996 | Don Neubacher, former park superintendent at Point Reyes National Seashore for his leadership in protecting park and coastal resources.

1997 | Don McIssac (1941 -2012), farmer along the Lagunitas Creek.

1998 | Jerry Friedman (d. 1999), environmentalist, veteran Marin County Planning Commissioner, Point Reyes advocate, and EAC founder.

1999 | Carlos Porrata, former ranger at Tomales State Park turned wildlife photographer, who shared the natural and cultural history of the parks for over 30 years.

2000 | Kelly Drumm (environmental lawyer), Larry Silver (California Environmental Law Project) & Mark Dowie (former EAC board President, and environmental reporter).

2001 | EAC's Founders 30th Anniversary (Jerry Friedman, Marjorie Stone, Kate Worsley and many more).

2002 | John Kelly, Ph.D., former Director of Conservation Science at Audubon Canyon Ranch for his work on local and regional conservation issues, and serving on the Tomales Bay Watershed Council and the Tomales Bay Advisory Committee.

2003 | Ed Ueber, former sanctuary manager (Gulf of the Farallones, Cordell Bank) with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has been integral to ocean management and policy since the 1970s.

2004 | Jules Evens, naturalist,  author of the Natural History of the Point Reyes Peninsula, and former EAC Board Chair who was instrumental in securing international RAMSAR protection for Tomales Bay.

2005 | Peter M. Douglas (August 22, 1942 - April 1, 2012), guardian of the state's 1,100-mile-long coastline who battled to preserve its natural beauty and public access to its beaches through California's landmark coastal protection law (Coastal Act of 1976), and as the chief executive of the California Coastal Commission, the powerful regulatory agency he helped create.

2006 | Sarah Allen, Ph.D., Science Program Lead for the National Park Service/Pacific West Region, and former Science Lead at Point Reyes National Seashore for her efforts to share marine resources.

2007 | Gary Knoblock, senior program officer for the Environment Program at S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, and former executive director at Point Reyes National Seashore Association who was instrumental in raising and managing funds for the Giacomini Wetlands Restoration Project.

2008 | Salmon Protection and Watershed Network (SPAWN), who work to protect endangered salmon in the Lagunitas Watershed and the West Marin environment.

2009 | Robert Berner, former executive director for Marin Agricultural Land Trust (MALT) for protecting Marin Farms for 28 Years.

2010 | Amy Meyer, activist, author, and "Mother of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area".

2011 | Nona B. Dennis, 40-year career as an environmental consultant, educator, and author with expertise ranging from environmental impact assessment and wetlands ecology to habitat restoration and environmental management.

2012 | Catherine Caufield, former executive director of EAC, and consultant for the Tomales Dunes Program.

2013 | L. Martin "Marty" Griffin, Jr.,  environmentalist, conservationist, and author who has been widely honored for his decades of environmental work in helping to preserve numerous sensitive wildlife habitats in Sonoma and Marin County.

2014 | Cicely Muldoon, National Park Service superintendent at Point Reyes National Seashore for her leadership in protecting our coastal resources.

2015 | Jared Huffman, 2nd District California Congressman, who served six years in the California State Assembly where he authored more than 60 pieces of successful legislation and received numerous awards for his legislative leadership. Huffman chaired the Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee, served on the Budget Committee and was co-chair of the Legislative Environmental Caucus.

2016 | Charles Lester, former California Coastal Commission (fourth executive director of the agency from 2011 to 2016), who has worked in the field of coastal management for more than 25 years, researching and writing about sea level rise, coastal resilience, and other aspects of California coastal law and policy. 

2017 | Sharon FarrellAssociate Director of Park Projects at the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy in recognition of her work to build One Tam into a model for land management and stewardship based on science, cooperation, and public engagement, her involvement in the large-scale restoration projects in Golden Gate National Recreation Area, and for her passion and commitment to inspiring young people to care for our shared public lands.

2018 | Mia Monroe, National Park Service Park Ranger and Marin Community Liaison, former EAC Board Member, and Piper on the Ridge coordinator for her local legacy of environmental protection and education in Marin.

2019 | Jean Berensmeier for her legacy of stewardship and advocacy in West Marin’s San Geronimo Valley.

2020 | No Awards Due to the Pandemic

2021 | Dan Howard, recently retired Superintendent of Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary for his conservation work to protect the sea and land off coastal Marin.

2022 | Tom Gaman, community member, long-time EAC member, and former board member for his efforts to protect and educate people about coastal Marin.

2023 | Joe Mueller, College of Marin Biology Professor for inspiring students, and our community through the College of Marin (COM), the Marine Lab in Bolinas, and the Point Reyes Birding & Nature Festival.

2024 | Sharon “Heron” Barnett, co-owner of Marin Nature Adventures, a science teacher at Marin Country Day School, a hiking instructor for the College of Marin, and one of Marin’s most dynamic interpretive naturalists. For her indelible mark on fostering the next generation of stewards through school science education, outdoor education and exploration, and volunteerism.

Public Service Award

Public servants who demonstrate leadership to protect the lands, waters, and biodiversity of coastal Marin County through community outreach, education, or scientific study.

2024 Amanda Eichstaedt & the KWMR Radio Team

In recognition of the radio station’s public service to the community airing locally relevant and emergency information and entertainment to listeners, and creating a forum through which every voice can be heard, and specifically for Amanda’s leadership and commitment to being inclusive, informative, and bringing some many people together to enhance everyone’s sense of place.

2023 Max Korten & Samantha Hamovitch, Marin County Parks and Open Space

For their efforts to bring the Duxbury Docent Program to life at Agate Beach in partnership with Marin County and EAC. This partnership has resulted in a robust local docent program with more than 20 volunteers who provide outreach and education to the public, school groups, and large groups visiting Duxbury Reef.

Next Generation Advocacy Award

The next generation of environmental advocates working for positive change with creativity, leadership, and dedication.

2023 Eddie Monson & Rajan Rao, California Young Birder’s Club

For their dedication to sharing their love of the natural world and birding with the next generation of young birders. Eddie and Rajan have been birding with EAC since they were just kids. Now at 17, they are taking leadership of the California Young Birders Club and partnered with us at this year's Festival. Eddie and his father John will be joining EAC's Bird Festival Planning Committee in the coming months. We look forward to helping these young birders in the future. 

Volunteers of the Year Awards

Volunteers who help deliver key programs to protect the environment in West Marin.

2023 Nancy Jensvold
Nancy has been an instrumental part of our team since 2017 when she walked into our office to find out who we were, what we do, and how she could get involved. Immediately she joined our member circle and then started out helping with our annual Coastal Clean Up event, greeting participants, and hosting our welcome table. She has helped the team with various projects including researching grants and assisting with our member acknowledgments. She was instrumental in supporting our team this year as a member of our Point Reyes Birding & Nature Festival Committee, taking on a number of administrative tasks and event planning activities. Now known as the resident, Bird Nerd, her attention to detail, and initiative are unparallel, and we are so happy to have her on our team.

2023 Kent Khtikian

Kent’s love for Duxbury Reef had him out as a one-man docent program providing education to visitors and collecting human activity data for the MPA Watch program for years. In 2019, EAC, the Point Reyes National Seashore, and Kent worked on a report, Duxbury Reef Community Docent Proposal, that compiled MPA Watch data to propose a new docent program to Max Korten of Marin County Parks and Supervisor Dennis Rodoni to help protect the Reef. In January 2020, our program partnership was approved, but delayed until 2022 due to the pandemic. Now, after two years, we have created a unique and robust local docent program to protect Duxbury Reef now and into the future.