Seashore Releases Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS
Point Reyes National Seashore
Announces Notice to Prepare Environmental Impact Statement
Point Reyes Station, CA (October 31, 2018): The Point Reyes National Seashore (Seashore) announced today that they are opening the public comment period for the much anticipated General Management Plan Amendment (GMPA). Public comments will be due by November 30, 2018. The public can find information on the Federal Register and NPS Planning website.
“I encourage people to get involved and let the National Park Service know what matters to them, water quality, protection of natural resources, tule elk, etc. Send a letter, don’t sign an online petition or form letter, write and submit your own letter. Engage. Help the Park Service understand what’s important to current and future generations in Point Reyes National Seashore.”
The GMPA is the appropriate and transparent process for a review of ranching and dairy operations within the Seashore. Within the Seashore, some ranches and dairies operations are progressive while others need to improve and build in new practices to improve environmental stewardship. Improvements are achieved through the a robust public planning process that includes, discussions, willingness to listen to different perspectives, and sharing information.
It is also important to note that the public needs reassurance that our public lands are being managed appropriately and that ranching and dairying operations are not harmful to the Seashore's natural resources and visitor experiences. We believe public confidence is achieved through the GMPA process.
“EAC believes the GMPA must advance the protection, restoration, and preservation of park resources using ranch leases to ensure that multi-generational, environmentally sustainable ranching is complementary to the Seashore’s natural resources and visitor experiences.”
I encourage you to sign up for the Seashore’s alerts on this topic and read through the public documents that have been made available as of today. You can count on EAC to be involved with this process and providing updates to our membership and community in the coming days and weeks.