Suggestions to Comment on the Draft EIS
This is the last stage for public involvement. The Draft EIS and public comment will be used to inform the Final EIS. Your voice is needed to provide comments on the Draft EIS that will not be ignored. In order to do this, you need to let the Seashore and NPS know that they have not analyzed all foreseeable impacts in their plan.
To comment effectively, focus your comments on the purpose and need of the proposed action, the proposed alternatives, the assessment of environmental impacts, and proposed mitigations. What did they overlook, what was not considered, etc. Comments are not a form of voting for an alternative and template form letters are not useful tools at this stage.
Predation on ranch animals leading to conflicts with wildlife,
Impacts on roads and park infrastructure with increases in commercial traffic,
Damage to the scenic and historic values of the Seashore as the ranch cores and historic pastures will be changed to support new uses,
And the application of adaptive reuse plans within the historic district to buildings, structures, objects, and landscapes (outside of priorities for interpretation, visitor use, or administrative use) is probably inconsistent with NPS management guidance for historic preservation.
The Request for Proposals from the public changes the context and values of the Ranchland zone being multi-generational beef and dairy operations, and these impacts are not sufficiently addressed.
Failed to analyze outside the interest of outside commercial operations in facilitating ongoing ranching activities and/or subletting activities that could occur with the proposed diversified uses.
Environmental impacts such as human waste, garbage, and potential for destruction of park and cultural resources has not been fully examined as part of the draft EIS.
In light of NPS requirements to close down boat-in camps in other areas of the Seashore due to these problems new boat in sites near sensitive Marine Wilderness should not be considered.
The Draft EIS is missing a budget or financial overview that outlines how any of the alternatives and actions will be implemented and paid for. Without this information made available to the public there may be negative impacts to to natural resources management, visitor services, and other vital existing park programs to protect the environment that have been overlooked.
Lethal management of wildlife to benefit commercial interests of a lessee are prioritized over adaptive management strategies.
Learn More
Point Reyes National Seashore Website - General Management Plan
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