Marin Considers Reusable Foodware Ordinance
We sent a letter to the editor to the Marin Independent Journal, and it was published! Here is the text of our letter.
Dear Editor,
We are two 7th graders who want to let you know about a very important meeting. On April 19th, the Marin Board of Supervisors will cover an ordinance banning single use plastic to-go ware in Marin. The ordinance would encourage restaurants to use reusable or compostable foodware. The summary of the ordinance is: reusables are best, compostable fiber foodware is compliant, and single-use plastics (including bioplastics) are prohibited. Reducing the amount of single use plastics not only is vital for the oceans and marine life, but it also reduces litter in our communities, and lowers the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted from single use plastics production.
COVID-19 has been hard on businesses, but the plastic they offer to customers is destroying our earth and it needs to stop now. The plastic gets into water systems and the ocean, and harms marine life and ecosystems. Plastic never decomposes. It only breaks down, and becomes smaller and smaller. Killing our oceans is not worth a plastic coffee cup, plastic straw, or plastic utensils that you will only use once. Having this ordinance passed in Marin is very important for our community.
What can you do?
Call the Board of Supervisors to show your support.
Help local businesses understand why the ordinance is important.
BYO straw, container, utensils, travel mug and more.
It’s important to do your part even if it feels small and unimportant. We think that even though banning single use plastic utensils may seem like a small step, it shows that we can do so much more if we keep pushing for what we believe in, and what is important for our county, country, and planet as a whole.
Thank you,
Reese Patton, San Geronimo Valley & Viola Seda, Point Reyes Station