October 26, 2018, the Marin County Superior Court reaffirmed a tentative June 2018 ruling by Judge Paul Haakenson, that issued a preliminary injunction, which blocked Parks' ability to complete the purchase and begin the public visioning and planning process. San Geronimo Advocates filings stated that the "County committed to a 'project' that included not only the purchase of property, but a definite course of action that required CEQA analysis, without having engaged in such analysis."
This ruling has prompted Marin County to reverse their resolution to purchase the property. On November 13, 2018 the Marin County Supervisors voted unanimously to rescind a resolution authorizing the county’s purchase of the San Geronimo Golf Course and golf operations as of December 31st.
A direct result of the ruling is that the County no longer has have no right or authority to continue golf course operations on the property held by the Trust for Public Land after December 31, 2018.
The County has therefore provided notice, consistent with the management agreement, to Touchstone Golf that the County/Touchstone agreement will expire on December 31, 2018.
“Sadly, we must honor the court’s decision today and rescind and vacate this agreement and accept that the management agreement also ends with Touchstone on Dec. 31”
“The recent ruling granting a preliminary injunction related to the county’s acquisition of the golf course has resulted in staff stopping all of our efforts related to fundraising for the acquisition and planning future visioning efforts at this time”