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coastal development permit

Protecting our Coast! California Coastal Commission Updates

EAC engages on issues pertaining to coastal resource protection and public access related to West Marin which come before the California Coastal Commission and other state agencies. In February, the Dillon Beach Resort’s coastal development permit came before the California Coastal Commission. EAC submitted comments in advance and spoke at the hearing, generally supporting the staff recommendation.

We have also been supportive of introduced legislation which supports the California Coastal Commission’s enforcement authority under the California Coastal Act, helping to preserve our coastal resources and public access for all.

California Coastal Commission's Coastal Development Permit Application Guidance

In July, the California Coastal Commission released a draft of its Coastal Development Permit (CDP) Application Guidance for aquaculture and marine restoration. This guidance is in response to Senate Bill 262, passed into law in October 2019. This bill added a new section to the Public Resources Code requiring the Commission to develop guidance for CDP applicants to help explain the process and enhance efficiency where possible. Comments will be accepted until August 31st, and the final document is expected by the end of the year.