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oceans day

Celebrating Ocean Day by Cleaning Up the Beach

We celebrated World Ocean Day on June 8th by cleaning up Drakes Beach and providing plastic pollution education with volunteers organized by SipSmith.

World Ocean Day is a good opportunity to raise awareness around the struggles our global oceans face including plastic pollution. In a world of single use plastics, our oceans are filling up with trash. Virtually every piece of plastic that was ever made still exists, breaking down into smaller and smaller fragments or microplastic.

Advocating for our Oceans at the 17th Annual CA Ocean Day

On March 29th, our team participated in the 17th annual California Ocean Day. This is an incredible state-wide event that brings leaders, experts, and advocates together to discuss current ocean conservation efforts and how we can improve them.

There were a variety of panels and speakers made up of leaders in ocean conservation that shared their insight on 30x30 (state and national effort to conserve 30% of land and water by 2030), microplastics, Chumash tribal conservation work and more. We always appreciate opportunities to learn from our colleagues and advocate for ocean policy.