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sustainable aquaculture

Tomales Bay Oyster Co. Coastal Development Permit Approved

The Coastal Commission unanimously approved the Tomales Bay Oyster Company’s existing shellfish aquaculture operations permit at the August 10th Commission Meeting including conditions to help safeguard eelgrass habitat in the future.

The "conditions provide support for many species in the bay: the coho salmon, brant...” said Ashley Eagle-Gibbs, EAC legal and policy director, “There have been significant declines in shorebirds on Tomales Bay. It’s great that this operator is now in compliance and there are strong protections for habitat and eelgrass.”

Coastal Act Preserved: CA Assembly Bill 303 Pulled!

We have good news to report! Through our efforts in coordinating a statewide aquaculture coalition of coastal groups, we successfully organized a strategy and succeeded in having the Assembly Natural Resources Committee’s January hearing for California Assembly Bill (AB) 303 (Aquaculture: mariculture production and restoration: pilot program) canceled at the request of the bill author.

Healthy Tomales Bay Campaign Update

Our Healthy Tomales Bay campaign seeks to ensure the sustainability of the competing uses in the Bay, where we monitor the sustainability of recreational and commercial fishing, and help to ensure aquacultural best practices to reduce or eliminate marine debris and avoid impacting sensitive eelgrass habitat vital to declining fish and bird species. This blog post summarizes our 2021 work on this campaign.

Sustainable Aquaculture Updates! 

Sustainable Aquaculture Updates! 

Our work on local and state aquaculture continues, and we have been busy! Last week we organized a joint letter (with nine other NGOs) to the California Fish and Game Commission in advance of the Marine Resources Committee meeting regarding state aquaculture. The letter supports a continued hiatus on the acceptance of any new aquaculture leases as well voicing our collective support for the California Ocean Protection Council’s development of statewide coordinated aquaculture principles and a state aquaculture action plan. We plan to testify at the March 16 Marine Resources Committee meeting, which is open to the public.