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Millerton Creek Ranch (MALT Easement)

In 2014, EAC supported Marin Agricultural Land Trust (MALT)'s decision to purchase the 864-acre Millerton Creek Ranch (formally Borello Ranch) on Tomales Bay from a real estate developer. MALT leased the ranch to local producers Mike Giammona and Andrew Zlot, with the understanding that the producers would purchase the land from MALT, subject to an agricultural conservation easement, within four years.

EAC appreciates MALT’s leadership in
the effort to protect the Borello Ranch and its willingness to work together on this important project.
— Amy Trainer, EAC Executive Director 2010-2015

Tomales Bay Pastures, © Jeff Stump

Tomales Bay Pastures, © Jeff Stump

Mr. Giammona has other visions for the ranch, too: he wants to see endangered coho salmon swimming through the creek.
— Point Reyes Light, 2014

EAC’s Role 

Prior to MALT's acquisition of the Borello Ranch, historically the ranch had serious environmental issues with the quarry and the septic ponds and had fallen into disrepair.

Throughout the 1990s, we diligently followed the development on the Borello Ranch including:

  • Raising thoughtful environmental questions around the proposed quarry expansion

  • Advocating to the county for proper environmental review and a full Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed quarry expansion.

  • Raised compliance concerns to the Regional Water Quality Management District regarding the improperly managed and polluting septic ponds.

When MALT proposed purchase of the Borello Ranch, we unanimously supported the decision so that this extraordinary ranch could return to a restored state with compliant septic ponds and the possibility of additional restoration.  



MALT buys Borello Ranch, Point Reyes Light, November 2014