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Drakes Beach Clean Up

July 13, 2018 Drakes Beach Clean Up

We went to Drakes Beach to pick up trash. Viola and I found a balloon, flip flops, toys, broken bottle, a few straws, and other plastic trash. Richard James, the Coastodian, picked up trash with us and talked to us about trash. Richard gave us his collection of plastic straws he has found on Point Reyes beaches.

We also found nurdles. They're little pieces of plastic used to make bigger pieces of plastic. I was surprised to learn that nurdles were plastic. I had always thought that they were little bits of sea glass or rocks. There were these container ships that tipped over and spilled nurdles and now you can find them in the sand on all our beaches. 

Straws picked up off Point Reyes beaches. The small jar is "straw dust" fragments of degrading plastic straws  at the bottom of the buckets.

Straws picked up off Point Reyes beaches. The small jar is "straw dust" fragments of degrading plastic straws  at the bottom of the buckets.

Richard had us play a game with the faucet at the visitor center. He turned on the faucet and asked us to clean up the water. The first time he did it he shut the faucet off. The second time we did it, Richard left the faucet running and asked us to clean up the water. We plugged up the faucet so the water would stop.

We learned that the water coming out of the faucet is like the plastic in the ocean and we need to turn off the faucet. 

- Reese and Viola

Please take our pledge to say, "no straw, please."

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July 13, 2018 Drakes Beach 5