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International Ocean Film Festival in West Marin

August 18 2018 Int Ocean Film Festival

Tonight, I was invited by Hog Island Oyster to come to their Film Festival as a VIP to talk about plastic straws. Viola was out of town, so I did it with my friend Joceyln.  

At the Festival, I watched three movies about how trash is bad and pollutes the earth. Jocelyn and I made a speech about plastic straws and the project to no longer use plastic straws. I met Jackie Nunez, founder of the Last Plastic Straw; Ana Blanco, director of the International Ocean Film Festival; and Dylan D’Haze, director and producer of Plastic is Forever.  

I wanted to do this because I wanted to tell people that plastic pollution is bad for the earth. I am thankful that Jocelyn went with me and I can’t wait to tell Viola about tonight.
